Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Configuring Scripture, Criterion #4

4. The Criterion of the Church’s Prayer
The rule of prayer is the rule of belief (Lex orandi, lex credendi). We believe what we pray. As with the Rule of Faith, there is a symbiotic relationship between the Church’s worship and its reading of scripture. Faithful configurations will be compatible with the Church’s worship. For Episcopalians, that means the prayers of the Book of Common Prayer guide interpretation. Traditionally, this has especially been true of the Rite of Baptism, the Eucharistic Prayers and the Ordinals. Of course, common worship is more than simply the prayers written in the Prayer Book. It includes the simple fact of gathering for worship and doing so on Sunday. It includes words, bodily gestures, use of materials, etc. Faithful configurations will be congruent with, and make sense of, the language and practice of our common worship.

Criterion 5. Tradition

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